Work With Recruiters to Find a Great Job

How do you effectively work with a recruiter to find a great job? If you are unsure how to answer this question, keep reading for some helpful tips that will make working with a recruiter beneficial and rewarding.
Choose a recruiter that specializes in your field:
Don’t reach out to recruiters who are generalists. You need to work with recruiters who work in your field of expertise. For example, an engineer wouldn’t go to a recruiter specializing in staffing for nursing. They would work an engineering recruiter specific to their specialty.
Just like you shouldn’t work with a recruiter who staffs construction jobs. You would want to work with a service like, PrideStaff Financial for example, that focuses solely on accounting finance positions.
Honest communication with recruiter:
If a recruiter finds a job that is not right for you, don’t accept it just because. A recruiter’s lifeline is the information they receive from you. Give your recruiter some leads you have been considering. By providing leads, you are helping your recruiter by giving them an idea of what you think is a good fit for you. Good recruiters will go the extra mile for people who provide them quality information. If you help them, smart recruiters will help you.
Take constructive criticism:
If you have been rejected after a job interview or passed over, talk to the recruiter to ask why. They can give you feedback from their own interview with you and gather feedback from the company. Recruiters are given great insight when working with companies and will usually be given helpful information they can pass along. Try to be open to receiving feedback and understand the difference between constructive criticism and outright negative feedback.
Be realistic about salary expectations:
Do your homework and know what people with experience like yours are currently making. If the average salary for an accounts payable position is $38,000, don’t ask for $48,000. Keep your expectations reasonable, and show the recruiter you are willing to lend a helping hand in the search.
Doing the homework shows a recruiter you are serious about looking for a job and they will meet you halfway. Another tip; be honest about what you make and what your pay expectations are when working with a recruiter.
PrideStaff Financial is a 5-Star Diamond Award Recruiting Firm. Our staffing consultants can help you find a job that meets your needs and goals. Contact us today to learn more.