Recently Laid Off? How to Rebuild Your Confidence

Have you recently been laid off? You’re not alone & it’s very common to feel a bruise to your ego. We want to help you discover effective strategies to cope with the emotional impact of a layoff and rebuild your confidence to bounce back stronger in your job search journey. Once you’re ready to get back out there, start your search with our team!
Cognitive self-sabotage:
It is easy to feel shame and embarrassment after a layoff. But don’t! When layoffs happen, they happen for a multitude of reasons. Restore your confidence by making it a point not to take it personally. Remind yourself that millions of people are in the same predicament. It’s not a reflection of your performance, just the current economic and job market. For some companies, there has been a post-pandemic boomerang effect, and some companies are struggling with the new economic climate. It’s not you.
It could be a good thing:
A layoff might be a blessing in disguise. Ask yourself this—have you been dreading going to work? Have you been sluggish and miserable at the end of a workday? Does Sunday come around, and you already feel sad and anxious about starting the work week? Maybe the layoff is a way of pushing you to try something new or forcing your hand to walk away from a job you weren’t happy with anyway but sticking with out of obligation or responsibility (which is never a bad thing). Taking advantage of this crucial downtime to assess your situation can help to restore your confidence.
Take charge of finances early:
In order to reduce panic after a layoff, go through your finances. Doing this before making any career moves will give you a chance to determine where you stand from a cash flow perspective. Many people come out of this exercise with a renewed sense of confidence and optimism. You will feel relieved knowing exactly how much runway you have until you need to secure that next job opportunity. Having a plan will also help alleviate stress and ease any feelings of financial uncertainty. You’ll also want to cut back on expenses for a while; creating some new habits may open doors you wouldn’t have walked through before.
Keep positive people around you:
This is a time to be surrounded by people who are positive and uplifting. Stay away from the “toxic energy suckers.” These are people who, consciously or not, drain your emotional energy. If you find yourself spending time with someone and you feel like they suck the life out of you, that’s a warning to move away from spending time with that person. Instead, surround yourself with people who show by their actions that they care about you and have your best interests at heart. That will go a long way in helping you achieve a healthy outlook on your job search.
Are you Ready to Explore New Career Opportunities?
PrideStaff Financial has consistently won awards for exceptional job seeker satisfaction. Our trusted staffing consultants can help you build confidence and take control of your job search. Contact us today.