The Next Step: How to Move Beyond Entry-level to the Next Level

Starting a new job is a lot like starting a long hike. Everyone starts from square one, but only people who take the right steps, know their path and are willing to put in the hard work will make it past entry-level to the next level. Here are a few things you can do to get to the next level at your company.
Moving up can’t happen if you are not performing:
Before looking for a way to move up in your career at work, make sure you are doing all you can in your current job. Seek articles, read more books, get in touch with experts in the industry and get to know about the requirements for your job. Also, check in with your current manager to make sure you are doing all you can in your current role, and find out what more you can be doing to help.
Find a mentor:
A good professional or workplace mentor plays an important role in an employee’s success. You can gain a valuable contact, get great insight into work methods, communication tactics and ways to move past current job duties. Mentors are also great at helping you navigate obstacles and areas where you might be struggling. Look out for any individual in the company who you admire. Invite them to a meeting and share professional experiences. The relationship with your mentor can be done with a tweet, email or a LinkedIn connection—and may be a great reference when the time comes to inquire about moving up the ladder.
Communication is key: Â
Have a talk with your boss or your boss’s boss, and let them know what your aspirations are within the company—particularly moving up. It doesn’t need to be a formal talk; it can be done over coffee, after a morning meeting or as you are both walking out to your cars. Remember that your boss can’t recommend you for something if they don’t know you are interested. Let managers know your eagerness to grow with the company and remind them often.
Don’t silo yourself:
When you make friends with people in other departments, you can get to know a number of things that happen in the industry. It also gives you a network of people to rely on for feedback and industry/company perspective. When positions open in higher levels, those same departments might make you aware of the opening and recommend you to apply if they know you well enough.
Work with a staffing firm:
It’s always wise to get some outside help when it comes to mapping out and navigating your career goals. PrideStaff Financial has the experience and asset training needed to help you zero in on what your goals are and how to achieve them. They can also work with you to obtain “next level” success in your current company.
PrideStaff Financial has consistently earned ClearlyRated’s Best of Staffing Diamond Award for exceptional Talent Satisfaction. Our highly skilled staffing consultants can guide you in growing your career or help you transition to a new one. Contact us today to learn more.