How to Mentally Clock Out and Actually Enjoy the Holiday Season

With the holidays approaching, it’s crucial to set boundaries between work and personal life. This blog provides practical advice on how to mentally disconnect from work, reduce stress, and truly enjoy the holiday season. Get access to a role that allows for a better work-life balance with help from PrideStaff Financial.
You may be surprised but it starts with strategy:
With multiple holidays coming up, it is easy to get overwhelmed at work and miss enjoying the actual season. Start by making a list of all the things you need to do and take note of any days when you’re off from work or have extra time. If you think you’ll need to take some time off from work, make sure you put the request in early. Go through and prioritize what absolutely has to get done and start doing them as soon as possible so that when your time off rolls around, you can breathe easy and relax.
Let time be your friend:
There’s a lot that goes into preparing for the holidays, whether it’s cleaning and making room for visitors, shopping for gifts and groceries, and dealing with traffic and crowds. Naturally, it would be best to figure out ways to divide your time effectively, so you don’t find yourself feeling drained and stressed. Your work lunch break is a great opportunity to get some shopping done. You might be able to take a trip to a nearby mall or simply sit at your desk and do some online shopping. If you work from home, consider hitting the streets before work, as many stores open earlier during the holidays. The same goes for other preparations such as cleaning or travel planning; use your lunch break or leverage any extra time you have from working remotely. Doing this allows you not to utilize evenings and weekends to get everything done and completely exhaust yourself.
Avoid triggers:
Stressors can come in a variety of forms, depending on the person. For some, it could be holiday traffic or crowds, while others might find hosting a holiday party stressful. And yet for others, it could be dealing with difficult feelings of loss that tend to come up this time of year. Take inventory of your stressors and devise ways to alleviate them. If crowds stress you out, do all your shopping online or go during times when stores are less crowded. If you hosted a party for the previous holiday and it was stressful for you, try trading off this year with a friend or family member. Unfortunately, the holidays are a source of stress for many people, and stress can lead to all sorts of problems both at work and at home. Find ways to reduce those triggers so you can be fully immersed in the festive season.
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