Meeting Your Yearly Objectives

We all know what it means when the end of a fiscal year draws near and a New Year fast approaches; it is a time of reflection on the “successes” and “failures” of the past year. For managers and leaders of organizations, it is also a time to outline objectives for the upcoming year. Setting and reaching yearly objectives is a critical part of every manager’s job, and one that may come with immense pressure and stress. Keeping up with the demanding pace of corporate life takes the initiative and strength of the collective, a group, or a team. So what will it take to align your team with the objectives you’ve set for the upcoming year? 


Align employee goals with company goals.  Motivating your employees to work toward company objectives means aligning their personal goals to that of the larger collective. Goals need to be meaningful and effective to motivate the team. A Harvard Business Review study (The Goal setting module of Harvard Manage Mentor, June 2010) shows that employees who understand the roles they play in a company’s success are two times more likely to be engaged with a company’s overarching objectives. Focusing your team on aligning their goals with the company’s goals will allow them to articulate how their efforts feed into the broader company strategy. Doing so will also help show them their value and worth to your organization, and how working as a team not only helps the company but helps them achieve their personal career goals.


Execution is Essential. 90% of all well thought out business plans and objectives fail due to lack of execution. If you want to meet your yearly objectives then you need to follow these three building blocks of execution. First– identify your behavior as the leader. In order for you to help your team execute objectives, you need to know your company and your team inside and out. Set clear goals for the year and prioritize those goals according to importance. Follow through on stepping stones you’ve mapped out for the year; being specific with the deadlines or due dates you identify. Reward those on your team who accomplish set goals and help to push the team forward. Second– create a framework for cultural change; allowing your objectives to bend with adversity or unforeseen problems. Third– put the right people in the right places.   

Stay Focused When Things Go Wrong. Very few companies are heard saying “Yes we had smooth sailing this year.” Every company hits a time of adversity or challenges; but how a company handles those challenges determines their “success.” Build relationships with your team and other leaders in your company so that there is a constant dialogue of communication. An employee should be comfortable coming to you if a problem arises. If the problem impedes on one or more of your objectives for the year, then you need to be comfortable reworking those goals. Being able to bend and flow with unforeseen bumps in the road will allow your team to stay on task and allow you to meet your yearly objectives!  

Pridestaff Financial understands how important it is for you and your team to meet yearly goals. Our expert financial staffing consultants will ensure that you find the right fit for your team and your company. Contact one of our highly skilled consultants today!